Friday, March 18, 2011


; Some esential macros for elegant programming in masm *

exit macro
            mov ax,4c00h
            int 21h

space macro
            mov ah,02h
            mov dl,20h
            int 21h

;Accepts single 2-digit hex nos.
;output: input value stored in AL
;regs. affected: AX,BH
input macro                            ;two hex-digit input
            local ok,p,ok1,p1
            mov ah,01h
            int 21h
            cmp al,39h                  ;ascii value of 9
            jbe ok
            sub al,61h                    ;ascii value of a
            add al,0ah
            jmp p
ok:       sub al,30h
p:         rcl al,01h
            rcl al,01h
            rcl al,01h
            rcl al,01h
            mov bh,al
            mov ah,01h
            int 21h
            cmp al,39h                  ;ascii value of 9
            jbe ok1
            sub al,61h                    ;ascii value of a
            add al,0ah
            jmp p1
ok1:sub al,30h
p1:       add al,bh

;Prints two hex digits on console
;input: provide the digits in BH
;regs. affected: AX,DX
output macro                         ;two hex-digit output
            local ok1,show,ok2,show2
            mov al,bh                   ;the digits to display is in BH
            and al,0fh       
            mov dh,al
            mov al,bh
            and al,11110000b        ;even binary values allowed in masm
            rcr al,01h
            rcr al,01h
            rcr al,01h
            rcr al,01h
            mov dl,al
            cmp dl,09h
            jbe       ok1
            sub dl,0ah
            add dl,41h                               ;hex digit handler
            jmp show
ok1:add dl,30h
            mov ah,02h
            int 21h
            mov dl,dh
            cmp dl,09h
            jbe       ok2
            sub dl,0ah
            add dl,41h                               ;hex digit handler
            jmp show2
ok2:add dl,30h
show2: int 21h

showmsg macro str     ;str data pssed through macro
            mov ax,@data
            mov ds,ax
            lea dx,str
            mov ah,09h
            int 21h

str_length macro str    ;computes length of a string
            local lp1,done
            mov ax,@data
            mov ds,ax
            mov si,00h
            mov cx,0000h  ;clear cx
            cmp str[si],24h ;check if its '$'
            je done
;else still chars left
            inc si
            inc cx
            jmp lp1
            mov ax,cx

;Accepts input, and places them in an array
;array: is the address of the location from where inputs would be stored
;count: the no. of inputs
input_array macro array,count,str
            local lp
            mov cx,count  ;the array size
            mov si,0000h
            mov bh,00h
            showmsg str
lp:        input                            ;call the single input macro
            mov array[si],al
            inc si
            loop lp

;Setting the cursor
;Input: set row number in DH & column number in DL
;Registers affected: AH,BH
cursor macro
            mov ah,02h                 ;request set cursor
            mov bh,00h                 ;page number 0
            int 10h                          ;Interrupt-call BIOS

;Clearing the screen
;Registers affected: AX,BH,CX,DX
clrscrn macro
            mov ax,0600h              ;ah 06(scroll), al 00 (full screen)
            mov bh,71h                             ;attribute: white (7) on blue (1)
            mov cx,0000h              ;upper left row:column
            mov dx,184fh               ;lower right row:column
            int 10h                                      ;Interrupt-call BIOS

;display array
;Input:  Array address, the size of the array and an output message
display_array macro array,count,str
            local lp
            mov cx,count  ;the array size
            mov si,0000h
            mov bh,00h
            showmsg str
lp:        mov bh,array[si]          ;retrieving the individual terms of the array before calling the output macro
            output                                     ;calling output macro
            inc si
            loop lp
            pop a

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