Thursday, February 10, 2011

Binary Search

%OUT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%OUT- Search for an item in a sorted array (ascending order) using binary search    
%out- input: Each term of the array (sorted in ascending order) is accepted from the user       
%out- output: If element is found print "FOUND" with its index number,
else print "NOT FOUND"   
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam                    

include macrolib.lby

.model small
array_size equ 6                                          ;assuming array_size to be equal to 6
array db array_size dup(?)                      ;reserving bytes = array_size for the array, uninitialised
ip1 db "Enter array (sorted in ascending order): ","$"                     
;a request to prompt the user for entering terms of the array
ip2 db "Enter element to search: ","$" 
;another request to prompt user for input
op1 db "ELEMENT FOUND AT ","$"                                 ;output message
op2 db "ELEMENT NOT FOUND ","$"                              ;another output message
op3 db "comparing with element index ","$"            ;intermediate output message
heading db "***** BINARY SEARCH *****","$"               ;a heading


main proc
            clrscrn                                                                        ;clearing the screen
            mov dx,0105h
            cursor                                                                         ;setting up the cursor
            showmsg heading                                                 ;displaying heading
            mov dx,0303h                                                         ;pointing to next line
            cursor                                                                        ;setting up the cursor
            input_array array,array_size,ip1                         ;accept array from user
            mov dx,0503h
            push dx                                                                     ;saving cursor position
            showmsg ip2
            input                          ;accepting from user element to be searched, element is in AL           
            pop dx                      ;retrieving current cursor position
            mov cx,array_size
            sub cx,01h                ;CH & CL will serve as the 'lower' & 'upper' variables respectively
            outer: add dh,02h                                      ;point to next line
                        xor bh,bh                                          ;clearing register BH
                        mov bl,cl                                           ;BL<-upper
                        add bl,ch                                         ;BL<-upper+lower
                        ror bx,1                                              ;BL<-(upper+lower)/2 serving as the
;variable 'mid', right shift is equivalent to ;division by 2
                        xor bh,bh                                          ;clearing BH, because after right
; shift of BX, the bit that goes off is
;inserted in BH at the leftmost position
                        cmp al,array[bx]                ;comparing element with middle item in the array
                        ja lower
                        jb higher
                        mov bh,bl                             ;preparing to call output macro
                        showmsg op1                                  ;element found
                        output                                              ;print output from register BH
                        jmp finish                               ;end the program
            lower:             mov ch,bl                             ;lower<-mid
                                    inc ch                                                ;lower<-mid+1
                                    jmp comp
            higher:                       mov cl,bl                   ;upper<-mid
                                    dec cl                                    ;upper<-mid-1
            comp:                        mov bh,bl                             ;if upper>=lower, preparing to call output
                                    push ax                                 ;ax and dx are affected when
;showmsg & output are called
                                    push dx                                                        
                                    showmsg op3
                                    pop dx
                                    pop ax
                                    cmp cx,00FFh          ;when CX=00FFh, upper=-1, but technically
                                                                        ;upper>lower, so to stop iteration this
;statement is must
                                    je stop                       ;upper=-1 => key not found
                                    cmp cl,ch
                                    jae outer                   ;when upper>=lower
            stop:   add dh,02h
                        cursor                                                 ;setting cursor for final line
                        showmsg op2                                  ;when upper<lower
finish:  exit

main endp
end main

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