Thursday, February 03, 2011

Microprocessor based design assignment

1) Implementation of a Two-Digit Decimal Adder on a 8085 Microprocessor

To implement a two digit decimal adder on a 8085 microprocessor which will accept two two-digit decimal integers (defined as ‘A’ and ‘B’) as inputs and will display their sum (defined as ‘C’) in decimal format.

An interesting challenge in this implementation is to a select a numeric format which will represent the two-digit decimal numbers using optimal memory resources and then develop a method to perform addition on these encoded numbers so that the results obtained are consistent.

2) Microprocessor Based Audio Tone Generation System

Our aim in this project is to set up a 8085 based audio tone generator, which would produce audio tones for
keystrokes issued from the 8085 SDK board. The 8085 board also consists of peripheral components like 8253, programmable clock pulse generator, 8255, programmable peripheral interface among others. The aim is to generate a distinct frequency for a distinct keystroke for a definite interval of time. The allowed range of key strokes are from 0 – 7, for the eight standard Do-Re-Mi tones. Keystrokes outside this allowable range are ignored for tone generation purposes. Apart from merely generating the audio tones, the system software should provide an user convenient interface to interact with the system. For example, it may be menu driven, with options for playing a tone, recording a tone being played, saving a tone or listening to a stored tone sequence.
Complete project reports are provided as a single zip file:


  1. i need the lift assignment!!! ny1 can help me???

  2. I cant help immediately.. For immediate help go to Bimalda :P


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