%OUT- Prints a 8-bit binary number in its equivalent decimal form
%out- input: 8-bit binary string accepted from the user
%out- output: 3 digit decimal equivalent of the binary string is printed
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
count equ 08h ;for 8-bit binary string
ip db "Enter a 8-bit binary number: ","$"
;a request to prompt the user for entering the binary no.
op db " Decimal form: ","$" ;output message
err db " Invalid Entry!","$" ;error message
heading db "***** BINARY to DECIMAL *****","$" ;a heading
main proc
clrscrn ;clearing the screen
mov dx,0105h
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg heading ;displaying heading
mov dx,0303h ;pointing to next line
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg ip ;prompt the user to enter the binary string
xor bh,bh ;clearing register Bh
mov cx,count ;loading cx with length of the binary string
continue: rol bh,01h
;rotate BH left, 0 will come in the LSB of BH, as intially BH was cleared
mov ah,01h
int 21h
sub al,30h ;getting the binary digit (bit 0 or 1) in AL
cmp al,01h ;when bit is greater than 0 or 1
add bh,al ;add the input bit (0 or 1) to BH
loop continue ;iterate till 8 bits are accepted from the user
; Hexadecimal no. is stored in BH, LSD of its decimal equivalent is in BH
; Remaining part is stored in CH in hexadecimal form
xor ch,ch ;clearing reg. CH
do1: cmp bh,0ah
jb complete1
sub bh,0ah
inc ch
jmp do1
complete1: mov cl,bh ;LSD of decimal equivalent is now stored in CL
mov bh,ch ;dealing with remaining hexadecimal part same way
xor ch,ch ;clearing reg. CH
do2: cmp bh,0ah ;middle digit is stored in BH & MSD in CH
jb complete2
sub bh,0ah
inc ch
jmp do2
complete2: rol ch,1
rol ch,1
rol ch,1
rol ch,1
or bh,ch
showmsg op ;display output message, content of BH not hampered
output ;calling output macro to display first 2 digits of the decimal number
mov dl,cl ;displaying last decimal digit
add dl,30h ;converting to ASCII value
mov ah,02h
int 21h
WRONG: showmsg err ;displaying error message
FINISH: exit
main endp
end main
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