%OUT- Using a look up table, accept a number and print its power of 2
%out- input: Number (<16) to be accepted from the user
%out- output: Print the square of the number
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
ip db "Enter a number: ","$" ;a request to prompt the user for entering the number
op db " Square of the number = ","$" ;output message
heading db "***** LOOK UP TABLE *****","$" ;a heading
xltbl db 00d,01d,04d,09d,16d,25d,36d,49d,64d,81d,100d,121d,144d,169d,196d,225d
main proc
clrscrn ;clearing the screen
mov dx,0105h
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg heading ;displaying heading
mov dx,0303h ;pointing to next line
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg ip ;print the input message to prompt the user
input ;input is accepted in AL
lea bx,xltbl ;loading address of table
xlat ;output is in AL
mov bh,al ;copying result to BH
showmsg op
output ;displaying the result
main endp
end main
%OUT- Using a look up table, accept a number and print its power of 2
%out- input: Number (<16) to be accepted from the user
%out- output: Print the square of the number
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
ip db "Enter a number: ","$" ;a request to prompt the user for entering the number
op db " Square of the number = ","$" ;output message
heading db "***** LOOK UP TABLE *****","$" ;a heading
xltbl db 00d,01d,04d,09d,16d,25d,36d,49d,64d,81d,100d,121d,144d,169d,196d,225d
main proc
clrscrn ;clearing the screen
mov dx,0105h
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg heading ;displaying heading
mov dx,0303h ;pointing to next line
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg ip ;print the input message to prompt the user
input ;input is accepted in AL
lea bx,xltbl ;loading address of table
xlat ;output is in AL
mov bh,al ;copying result to BH
showmsg op
output ;displaying the result
main endp
end main
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