Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fibonacci Series

%OUT- Prints the Fibonacci series                                                        
%out- input: The no. of terms to which to print (maximum 18h)            
%out- output: The series with the specified no. of terms      
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam                                

include C:\Masm615\bin\macrolib.lby

.model small
ip db "Enter No. of terms to display: ","$"
op db " The Fibonacii Series: ","$"
err db " Input value > 18H !!","$"


main proc

            showmsg ip
            input                                      ;get the no. of terms to compute till
            mov cl,al
            cmp cl,18h
            jbe ok
            showmsg err
            jmp xx

ok:       showmsg op
            mov bh,01h
            output                      ;print 1st two terms
            sub cl,02h                 ;1st 2-terms covered
            mov ch,00h
            mov bx,0001h         ;hold f(i)
            mov ax,0001h         ;hold f(i-1), DX<-hold f(i-2)

lp:        mov dx,ax
            mov ax,bx
            mov bx,ax
            add bx,dx
            push ax
            push bx
            output                      ;print MSDs
            mov bh,bl
            output                      ;print LSDs
            pop bx
            pop ax
            dec cx
            cmp cx,0000h
            ja lp

xx:       exit

main endp
end main

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