%OUT- Find second maximum & second minimum from an array accepted from user
%out- input: Each term of the array is accepted from the user
; Size of the array is mentioned in the program itself
%out- output: Print second maximum & second minimum
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
array_size equ 6 ;assuming array_size to be equal to 6
array db array_size dup(?) ;reserving bytes = array_size for the array, uninitialised
ip db "Enter terms of the array: ","$"
;a request to prompt the user for entering terms of the array
op1 db "Second Maximum: ","$" ;output message
op2 db "Second Minimum: ","$" ;output message
heading db "** SECOND MAX - SECOND MIN **","$" ;a heading
main proc
clrscrn ;clearing the screen
mov dx,0105h
cursor ;setting up the cursor
showmsg heading ;displaying heading
mov dx,0303h ;pointing to next line
cursor ;setting up the cursor
input_array array,array_size,ip ;accept array from user
mov dx,0503h ;advancing to next line
mov dh,00h ;dh will store first maximum
mov dl,00h ;dl will store second maximum
mov cx,array_size ;loading cx with number of times iteration to take place
mov si,00h ;setting up the index to point to the array element
outer: cmp array[si],dl
jbe done
cmp array[si],dh
jae replace
mov dl,array[si]
jmp done
replace: mov dl,dh
mov dh,array[si]
done: inc si
loop outer
mov bh,dl ;storing 2nd maximum in BH to call 'output' macro
showmsg op1
mov dx,0703h ;advancing to next line
mov dh,0FFh ;dh will store first minimum
mov dl,0FFh ;dl will store second minimum
mov cx,array_size ;loading cx with number of times iteration to take place
mov si,00h ;setting up the index to point to the array element
outer1: cmp array[si],dl
jae done1
cmp array[si],dh
jbe replace1
mov dl,array[si]
jmp done1
replace1: mov dl,dh
mov dh,array[si]
done1: inc si
loop outer1
mov bh,dl ;storing 2nd maximum in BH to call 'output' macro
showmsg op2
main endp
end main
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