%OUT- Checks whether stored string is/is not a Palindrome
%out- output: 'String' -> Palindrome or not
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
LF equ 0ah ;line feed
string db "malayalam","$" ;will hold the string
str1 db LF," -> ","$"
str_len db 1 dup(?)
pal db "Yes! Palindrome","$"
npal db "No! not Palindrome","$"
i_p db "String: ","$"
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
str_length string ;get length of string in AL
mov ah,00h
mov di,ax
dec di ;point to last char
mov dl,al ;save al in dl
mov bl,02h
div bl ;half the length
mov cl,al ;work as counter
mov ch,00h
mov si,0000h
showmsg i_p
showmsg string
showmsg str1
mov al,string[si]
cmp al,string[di]
jne np ;char mismatch, not palindrome
inc si
dec di
loop lp1
;if control reaches here, it is a palindrome
showmsg pal
jmp done
np: showmsg npal
main endp
end main
%OUT- Checks whether stored string is/is not a Palindrome
%out- output: 'String' -> Palindrome or not
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
LF equ 0ah ;line feed
string db "malayalam","$" ;will hold the string
str1 db LF," -> ","$"
str_len db 1 dup(?)
pal db "Yes! Palindrome","$"
npal db "No! not Palindrome","$"
i_p db "String: ","$"
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
str_length string ;get length of string in AL
mov ah,00h
mov di,ax
dec di ;point to last char
mov dl,al ;save al in dl
mov bl,02h
div bl ;half the length
mov cl,al ;work as counter
mov ch,00h
mov si,0000h
showmsg i_p
showmsg string
showmsg str1
mov al,string[si]
cmp al,string[di]
jne np ;char mismatch, not palindrome
inc si
dec di
loop lp1
;if control reaches here, it is a palindrome
showmsg pal
jmp done
np: showmsg npal
main endp
end main
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