%OUT- Computes GCD of a given set of Integers
%OUT- output: GCD of the set of numbers
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby ;contains common macros
.model small
array db 10 dup(?) ;the array to store values
count dw 1 dup(?) ;array length
i_msg db "How many elements? ","$"
str_msg db "Input 6 two-digit nos. ","$"
msg db " Enter No. ","$"
out_msg db " GCD of the Nos. is ","$"
; Computes the gcd of two numbers
; input: nos. are in BL & BH
; ouput: gcd will be in BL
; regs. affected: BX & AX
gcd proc ;supply the two nos. in BL & BH
mov ax,0000h
cmp bl,bh
jb ok ;(BL)<(BH), no xchg needed
xchg bl,bh ;else exchange
ok: mov al,bh
lp: div bl
cmp ah,00h ;check if remainder zero
je done
;remainder not zero
mov al,bl
mov bl,ah ;final result will be in BL
mov ah,00h
jmp lp
gcd endp
main proc
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
;accept data
showmsg i_msg
input ;call input macro to take no. of values
lea bx,count
mov [bx],al ;store the count value
input_array array,count,msg
mov si,00h
mov cx,count
dec cx
mov bl,array[si]
inc si
mov bh,array[si]
call gcd
loop lp1
mov bh,bl
showmsg out_msg
main endp
end main
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