%OUT- Prime & Not-Prime Test
%out- input: Enter the Number (two digit, hexadecimal)
%out- output: Prime or Composite
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
i_p db "Enter No. ","$"
prm db " The Number is PRIME!!","$"
com db " The Number is COMPOSITE!!","$"
main proc
showmsg i_p
mov ah,00h ;clear before division
mov bh,al
mov bl,02h
div bl
mov cl,al ;upper threshold to check upto
lp: mov ah,00h ;clear before each division
mov al,bh ;load the original value
div bl ;divide by next higher value
cmp ah,00h ;check if remainder zero
je comp ;composite
inc bl
cmp bl,cl ;check if threshold reached
jb lp ;not reached yet, go back, else PRIME
;its prime
showmsg prm
jmp done
;its composite
showmsg com
main endp
end main
%OUT- Prime & Not-Prime Test
%out- input: Enter the Number (two digit, hexadecimal)
%out- output: Prime or Composite
%out – author: Ayon and Ariyam
include macrolib.lby
.model small
i_p db "Enter No. ","$"
prm db " The Number is PRIME!!","$"
com db " The Number is COMPOSITE!!","$"
main proc
showmsg i_p
mov ah,00h ;clear before division
mov bh,al
mov bl,02h
div bl
mov cl,al ;upper threshold to check upto
lp: mov ah,00h ;clear before each division
mov al,bh ;load the original value
div bl ;divide by next higher value
cmp ah,00h ;check if remainder zero
je comp ;composite
inc bl
cmp bl,cl ;check if threshold reached
jb lp ;not reached yet, go back, else PRIME
;its prime
showmsg prm
jmp done
;its composite
showmsg com
main endp
end main
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